Go-Go Grandparent works with licensed transportation network companies like Lyft and Uber to ensure that you get affordable rides within 15 minutes.  GoGo operators communicate, screen and monitor rides to ensure every trip completes safely and successfully.

Walkers and wheelchairs are no problem as long as you can transfer yourself into a car without assistance.  When you call, let your operator know and they will add the appropriate notation to your account.

Rates are charged by Lyft and Uber but usually are up to 25% less than a local cab.  GoGo will quote you the requested fare every time you call.  GoGo adds on a  small concierge fee and charges the credit card you authorized when setting up your account for both the fare and the concierge fee.  No need to pay the driver.

GoGo Grandparent acts as your representative to order and monitor rides on your behalf with your best interests in mind and according to your pre-defined requirements.  Once a driver meets your requirements, GoGo will issue a series of communications to the driver through the driver’s ride-sharing app, including text messages and calls with the intention of passing on your expectations so they are comfortable working with you. If you’ve indicated you have visual impairments or ambulatory equipment, GoGo will vet the driver and their car for those special scenarios.

Any questions?  Go online to www.gogograndparent.com or call 1-855-464-6872 (24 hours a day) and press “0” for an operator.